Don’t Manage, Kill Your stress that sucks your Energy, Vitality and Youthfulness

"Experience Chronic Stress Killing Miracle in Just 10 Minutes:

Learn How Working Professionals like you Can Eliminate Stress-Anxiety and Unlock a Personal and Professional Life of full of Joy and Permanent Peace of Mind even in challenging stressful situations of career, financial or relationship pressure with my Powerful online “Quantum Stress Elimination Scan” Technique without depending on old methods that you tried but not worked for you

• No Pills

• No Yoga/Exercise,

• No Self-Help Books

• No lengthy Meditations

• No dependency on Smoking/Tobacco or Alcohol

• No Positivity Gyan

Just Results of Joy with Our Proven “Quantum Stress Elimination Scan”!"


Understand and Identifiy the root cause of stress in any area of life be it at Workplace or relationship or business or Inner life


Emotional mastery is where you start linking consequences and doing. You act on what you know instead of just know it.


With enough repetition, enough emotion, you can get physical mastery, in this you don’t have to think about it, you just do it. It’s automatic. 

A life free of stress and Full of Joy, Youthfulness and Energy is within reach with my Quantum Science based Stress Elimination Program. Experience a stress-free life without dependence on traditional stress management methods in Just 90 Minutes" Don't manage, Eliminate Stress .

"Before attending SAFAL (STRESS ANXIETY FREE AWESOME LIFE) Bootcamp, I was trapped in a constant cycle of stress and overwhelm. I learned how to prioritize my tasks effectively, eliminate distractions, and achieve more in less time without feeling burnt out. It was a game-changer!

Dr Aparna Pandey, Dentist, New Delhi

As a busy businessman, I was constantly battling stress and anxiety, struggling to find the right balance between my demanding work and personal life. With the techniques I learned, I can manage my stress with ease without alcohol or smoking, and my focus is sharper than ever. 

Arun Khandelwal, Business Owner, New Delhi

"The SAFAL Bootcamp was a transformational experience I'll cherish forever. As an IT professional, I often found myself struggling with work-life balance, and my stress levels were through the roof. This bootcamp is a game-changer for any working professional seeking a life of productivity, fulfillment, and joy. Trust me, you won't regret investing in yourself!"

Alok Dubey, Software Professional, Mumbai

Hi, I am Dr. Mahendra Singh Rathore, a dedicated Professor and accomplished Author. My passion lies in helping individuals overcome stress and transform their mindsets to lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Through my two influential books, "How to Get Breakthrough Stress: 11 Powerful Techniques" and "Train Your Mind to Get Wealth of 16 Kind," I have shared my knowledge and expertise on stress management and achieving financial abundance.

My mission is to empower 100,000 working professionals to break free from the chains of stress and discover lasting serenity. With my transformative sessions, I have already impacted the lives of over 1,000 individuals, providing them with powerful techniques to tackle stress head-on and embrace positive change. I believe that everyone deserves a life filled with peace, purpose, and prosperity, and I am committed to guiding others on their journey to a stress-free and fulfilled existence. Together, let's unlock the potential within and create a brighter future for all.

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